Welcome to the Black Sea Global Ocean Observing System

The Black Sea GOOS is a local Association formed by the Black Sea riparian countries in order to foster Operational Oceanography in the region and set up links with other regional and global organizations (with similar objectives).

Major Aims and Objectives
Policy of the Black Sea GOOS
Black Sea Operational Oceanography
Black Sea GOOS Ad Hoc Steering Committee
History of the Black Sea GOOS
Memorandum of Understanding of the Black Sea GOOS  
News & Events:
Evaluation of the Questionnaire
Contact Information


Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee annual meeting, Ankara (Turkey), 16 October, 2002

First annual Steering Committee Meeting of Black Sea GOOS was held on 16 October 2002 in Ankara Turkey.

The participants of the meeting are:


EREMEEV Valery (Chair): The Oceanography Centre of UNAS, Ukraine.
SALIHOGLU Ilkay (Executive Secretary): METU Institute of Marine Sciences, Turkey.
BOLOGA Alexandru: National Institute for Marine Research & Development ”Grigore Antipa”, Romania.
ZATSEPIN Andrey: Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russia.
SLABAKOV Christo Dimitrov: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology, Bulgaria.
KOROTAEV Gennady: Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukraine.


BOGDANOVA Nataliya: METU Institute of Marine Sciences, Turkey.

IOC Secretariat

AARUP Thorkild: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO


BILASHVILI Kakhaber: Tibilisi State University, Georgia.
VLADIMIROV Volodymir: Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukraine.
KOS’YAN Ruben: Southern Branch of the Shirshov Oceanological Institute, Russia.
IVANOV Vitaly: Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukraine.
SUVOROV Alexander: Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukraine.
GANCHEV Mihail Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria.
VALCHEV Nikolay: Institute of Oceanology, Bulgaria.
STANEV Emil: ICBM, Physical Oceanography (Theory), University of Oldenburg, Germany.
GUTMAN Bonnie: Regional Environment Officer, U.S. Embassy, Turkey.

Dr. Andrey ZATSEPIN (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology) represented Russia Federation upon authorization by Prof. Alexander POSTNOV.

The meetings Agenda was:

Wednesday, 16 October 2002

09:00 – 12:30 SESSION (HALL 4) Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee annual meeting

Co-chairpersons: VALERY EREMEEV

09:00 – 09:30 Status report on recent GOOS developments since the Poti meeting
09:30 – 10.30 Progress Report of the Intersessional Black Sea GOOS Activities (2001-2002)
10.00 – 10.30 Black Sea GOOS Medium Term Strategy and Action Plan (2003-2005)
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break
10.50 – 13.00 National Reports on Black Sea GOOS Activities (2001-2002)
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch
14:30 – 15.00 Collaboration with other international observing and environmental programmes for the Black Sea
15:00 – 15:30 Perspectives of Participation of Black Sea countries in the EU Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).(observing and environmental projects)
15.30 – 16:00 Discussions
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30– 17:30 Other issues
17.30 Closure of the meeting

As inferred by the Agenda, among the others, an important item was the Black Sea GOOS Strategic Action and Implementation Plan.

A draft copy of the Plan has been distributed to the country representatives (including Georgia).

Final version of the Plan will be published taking into account further comments of the Black Sea riparian countries Scientific Committee members.

Outcomes of the Meeting:

  1. The Steering Committee noted the Black Sea GOOS development with Satisfaction.

  2. Special emphasis have to be given to the national GOOS programmes.

  3. Links with the other ongoing regional operational oceanographic programs have to be further developed.

  4. Launching ARENA is an important milestone of Black Sea GOOS.

  5. Possibilities for the establishment of links with the EU FP6 is encouraged.

  6. The IOC/UNESCO motivation and contribution is recognized and appreciated by all members.