The 3-rd Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee Meeting, (Kiev, 15-16 June 2004)
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee Session
09:00-09:15 Eremeev V.(academy representative), Opening remarks
Reports of National Black Sea GOOS activity and future planning, with emphasis of the improvement of open-sea and coastal observing systems (National Black Sea GOOS coordinators).
09:15-09:30 Bulgaria
09:30-09:45 Georgia
09:45-10:00 Romania
10:00-10:15 Russia
10:15-10:30 Ukraine
11:00-11:20 Korotaev G.K., GRA
11:20-11:40 Korotaev G.K., GOOS Regional Council
11:40-12:00 Discussion
Joint Session of the Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee and ARENA TT5
14:00-14:30 Slabakov H., ARENA project: current state and plans
Nowcasting/forecasting system for the Black Sea (associated with ARENA Modeling Team Meeting)
14:30-15:10 High Resolution Weather Forecasting (Bulgaria, Romania)
15:10-15:30 Near Operational Nowcasting of the Black Sea circulation (Ukraine)
Nesting Approach at the Black Sea Basin:
16:00-16:30 Experience of coupling POM and MHI model
Current state of the regional models
16:30-16:45 Burgas Bay, Bulgaria
16:45-17:00 Poti Area, Georgia
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Nesting Approach at the Black Sea Basin (continue)
09:00-09:15 Danube Mouth (Romania)
09:15-09:30 Novorossiysk Area
09:30-09:45 Western Crimea
09:45-10:00 North-Western Shelf
10:00-10:30 Basin-Scale Ecosystem Nowcasting/Forecasting: Current State and Prospects
11:00-11:30 Oil Spill Dynamics Models (Bulgaria, Russia, Sweden)
14:00-14:20 HOPS as a Tool of Region-Oriented Ecosystem Prediction
14:20-14:45 Discussion
Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee Session
14:45-15:00 Report of the Black Sea GOOS Executive Secretary
15:00-15:15 Black Sea GOOS office report
15:15-15:30 National report of Turkey National Coordinator
16:00–16:15 Besiktepe S., Executive Secretary of the Black Sea GOOS, GRAND project activity
16:15-16:45 General Discussion
16:45-17:00 Closure of the Black Sea GOOS Steering Committee Meeting
Thursday, June 17, 2004
ARENA TT5 meeting
Discussion of the WP5 plans for the next year.
Intercomaparison of the basin scale models.
Preliminary results with POM (MHI/IMS)
Georgian basin-scale model
Model of Russian Hydrometeocenter
DieCast model (Shirshov institute, Russia)
Initial and boundary conditions for the intercomaparison.
Coupling of the atmospheric and basin-scale circulation models.
Romania – Aladin
Bulgaria MM5
Nesting model training
Distribution of initial and boundary conditions by e-mail
Preliminary simulations
Near-operational training
Coupling of the circulation with wave model.
Planning of the pilot operation of the nowcasting/forecasting system
Dissemination of the modeling opportunities