Protocol for collaboration Black Sea GOOS with ARENA
The protocol for collaboration with ARENA project has been signed on August 19, 2003.
This Protocol (to be known in brief as the Black Sea GOOS-ARENA Protocol) serves as the document for Black Sea GOOS, as an informal association whose members seek to foster co-operation on the Global Ocean Observing System and “A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA)” Project. Black Sea GOOS is established with fizzle recognition of the importance of existing systems in research and operational oceanography at national and regional scales and of the activity successfully initiated by EuroGOOS and will also take full advantage of advances made by other regional GOOS groups such as MedGOOS, Med-GOOS and NEAR-GOOS, and by the various GOOS design panels. By signing the Protocol organizations agree to co-operate in promoting GOOS in the Black Sea basin.
Aims of Black Sea GOOS and ARENA cooperation
The members of the Black Sea GOOS and ARENA will co-operate to establish a concerted approach to the following goals; (i) contributing to international planning and implementation of GOOS and promoting it at national, regional and global level, (ii) identifying regional priorities for operational oceanography, (iii) promoting the development of the scientific, technology and computer systems for operational oceanography, (iv) finding means to ensure the most effective use of existing technologies related to operational oceanography and marine meteorology, (v) assessing the economic and social benefits from operational oceanography.
Black Sea GOOS and ARENA activities will be designed to foster operational oceanography in the Black Sea basin collaborate with and maximize the benefits from existing activities of EuroGOOS and Med-GOOS, promoting the integration of these activities within the framework of GOOS.
The Black Sea GOOS and ARENA will support the following groups of activities:
Policy in promoting EuroGOOS
To promote collaboration between existing regional multi-national agencies programmes, organizations, and initiatives having expertise in oceanography, operational systems, and remote sensing of the ocean.
To promote collaboration with EuroGOOS and Med-GOOS through joint projects and activities.
To promote capacity building and exchange of know-how and personnel to the IOC.
To promote studies and evaluation of the economic and social benefits produced by operational Oceanography.
To co-operate as appropriate with organizations concerned with rapid assessment of climate change, global environmental research, and the impacts of climate variability and climate change.
To provide, as appropriate, expertise, WGs, consultants, etc., to IOC, J- GOOS and I-GOOS.
To publish findings of meetings, workshops, studies, and other documents commissioned by the Black Sea GOOS members, joint representation at and submission of documents to