Welcome to the Black Sea Global Ocean Observing System

The Black Sea GOOS is a local Association formed by the Black Sea riparian countries in order to foster Operational Oceanography in the region and set up links with other regional and global organizations (with similar objectives).

Major Aims and Objectives
Policy of the Black Sea GOOS
Black Sea Operational Oceanography
Black Sea GOOS Ad Hoc Steering Committee
History of the Black Sea GOOS
Memorandum of Understanding of the Black Sea GOOS  
News & Events:
Evaluation of the Questionnaire
Contact Information


Black Sea operational oceanography

- Promoting the development of Black Sea regional operational oceanography. 

- Promoting the development of common operational data procedures and services, including data quality control and data management for operational oceanography.

- Promoting research and pre-operational research that will solve any problems relating to operational oceanography.

- Promoting the development of common infrastructure to implement operational oceanography in the Black Sea.

- Promoting pilot studies in the GOOS operations, locally, regionally, or globally.

- Promoting the development of common Black Sea operational oceanographic services and products to the Black Sea countries to attain sustainable development.