Welcome to the Black Sea Global Ocean Observing System

The Black Sea GOOS is a local Association formed by the Black Sea riparian countries in order to foster Operational Oceanography in the region and set up links with other regional and global organizations (with similar objectives).

Major Aims and Objectives
Policy of the Black Sea GOOS
Black Sea Operational Oceanography
Black Sea GOOS Ad Hoc Steering Committee
History of the Black Sea GOOS
Memorandum of Understanding of the Black Sea GOOS  
News & Events:
Evaluation of the Questionnaire
Contact Information



The objectives of the Bulgarian Black Sea monitoring activities are 

- to establish a coordinated, integrated, scientifically based system for observation and prediction of the Black Sea variables at regionally and nationally; 

- to ensure long-term and regular observations of the physical, chemical and biological parameters and states of the marine environment and biota; and 

- to provide relevant information to the governmental institutions for making decisions referring to protection and recovery activities for a sustainable development of the Black Sea.

Bulgarian coastal stations

The legal basis for the Bulgarian monitoring programs are based on agreements and conventions.

The end users of the program are ministries, maritime organizations and coastal municipalities, for environmental protection, rational use of marine resources, and development of the recreational and socio-economic infrastructure of the Bulgarian Black Sea Region.

Station Network of Complex Monitoring of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast

The implementation of an integrated system for national monitoring of the Black Sea, currently depends on international programme assistance for provision of contemporary equipment and technologies. Some of the coordination activities for the integrated monitoring system have been carried out under the CESUM project (Centre for Sustainable Development and Management of the Black Sea Region) funded by the European Union, and hosted by the Institute of Oceanology.