Station 18

Latitude: 36°38'00"
Longitude: 35°59'00"
Date: 01/01/1990
Time: 00:00
Sea Depth: 7m
Dataset: Sediments data, Gulf of Iskenderun, 1988-1991
Provider: Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University

Geological parameters: CaCO3/SED, Corg/SED
Other parameters: Grain Size
Trace metals: Al/SED, Co/SED, Cr/SED, Cu/SED, Fe/SED, Mg/SED, Mn/SED, Ni/SED, Pb/SED, Zn/SED

Texture: (g)M. Period of observations: 1988-1991. Surface sediment samples (5-6 cm of the top layer).