Dataset Information

Dataset Name: Cruise 1983-21
Start: 23/08/1983
Finish: 23/08/1983
Number of stations: 0
Platform: R/V Lamas-1
Port of Departure: IMS METU harbour
Port of Return: Tasucu

Cheif scientist: Prof. Emin Ozsoy, IMS METU, Turkey
    Prof. Muhammed Abdul Latif, IMS METU, Turkey

Objectives: Scientific researches
Associated project(s):

Regions: Mediterranean Sea
Latitude range: 36°09'00" - 36°18'00"
Longitude range: 33°48'00" - 33°57'00"

Parameters list:

Instruments: Currentmeter, Trisponder, Nansen bottles
Instrument types (L05 code): discrete water samplers, current meters, Trisponder navigation systems

Data availability (SDN code): RS
Storage medium: Scanned Cruise Report

Provider: Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University
Address: P.O.Box 28
Post Code: 33731
City: Erdemli, Icel
Country: Turkey
Tel.: +90-3245212150
Fax: +90-3245212327
Contact person: Ahmet E. Kideys
Contact e-mail:

Last update: 25/11/2008

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IMS METU Oceanographic Data Inventory