Dataset Name: Micro-plastic survey, Jul 2015
Start: 06/07/2015
Finish: 09/07/2015
Number of stations:
Platform: R/V Lamas-1
Port of Departure: IMS METU harbour
Port of Return: IMS METU harbour
Cheif scientist: Dr. Olgac Guven, IMS METU, Turkey
MSc student Kerem Gokdag, IMS METU, Turkey
Field works in framework of the TUBITAK project No: 144Y244 "Determination of micro-plastic composition and its possible biological accumulation in marine products in the Turkish coastal zone of Mediterranean" consisting of taking samples for micro-plastic from sea surface (Manta net), water column (WP2 plankton net) and sediments (Van Veen Grab)  at 18 points determined by considering potential environmental factors affecting the amount of pollutants, and fish trawling at 8 location in order to obtain samples for analysis of fish stomach content for micro-plastic.
Associated project(s):
Parameters list: Microplastic in sediment, Microplastic in water bodies
Instrument types (L05 code): plankton nets, sediment grabs, pelagic trawl nets, neuston net
Data availability (SDN code): RS
Provider: Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University
Address: P.O.Box 28
Post Code: 33731
City: Erdemli, Icel
Country: Turkey
Tel.: +90-3245212150
Fax: +90-3245212327
Contact person: Ahmet E. Kideys
Contact e-mail:
Last update: 29/01/2018
Stations information is not availableIMS METU Oceanographic Data Inventory